Saturday, July 09, 2011

Eric Schmidt On Gauging Google+’s Success [TechCrunch]

This looks like a truthiness campaign; I don’t see how Google+ is poised to disrupt Facebook as a de facto standard identity, authentication, and authorization service

Schmidt also seemed pleased that people seemed to understand that Google+ was different than Facebook.

“Circles is particularly well suited to the contact list you have in your phone, we have a somewhat different view of privacy. We tried to build a system that you could use for the relationships over time. The people who built the Internet did not get a stable version of identity; You need identity, in the sense that you are a person, this is who you are these are your friends and so on … The issue on the Internet is not the lack of Facebook, the issue on the Internet is the lack of identity. “

Eric Schmidt On Gauging Google+’s Success

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