Monday, December 03, 2012

Big Data News of the Week: Beautiful $300,000 Minds - Forbes

Excerpt from a big data market snapshot
"Splunk’s Stephen Sorkin also doesn’t buy Wills’ economic law. While pointing out companies don’t analyze data that they collect such as log files, he argues that one false promise that some proponents of big data hold out is that somehow vast oceans of digital data can be sifted for nuggets of pure enterprise gold. The Wall Street Journal reports on his comments at the Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford annual event: “It is not going to happen magically. The software only finds correlations, not causations…If you take any sufficiently large data sets, you are going to find correlations. You need a human in the loop to work out which are important.”"
Big Data News of the Week: Beautiful $300,000 Minds - Forbes

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